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Slam Score Board

Beamer Scoreboard / Projection Tool for Poetry Slam events

With SSB it's very simple to project results of your poetry slam event. SSB allows a wide range of configuration adjustment according to your modalities (number of rounds, jury type, etc.).

SSB runs completely in the webbrowser. No additional software have to be installed. And it's an offline tool. No internet connection is needed.



  1. Download ZIP file

    Latest developer version

  2. Unpack
  3. Open SlamScoreBoard.html in your favourite webbrowser

Explanation Video (German)


We wrote a very long User Manual. We ask you to learn German and to read it.

To the German Online User Manual

Play around with test data

As Slam Master you probably have a lot to do, and may find it impossible to evaluate beamer projection software from scratch. Therefore we provide a test file, which contains some sample data.

That's how it works:

  1. Install SSB (see Installation)
  2. Click on «Load Data from file»
  3. Choose the file in the folder [[Pfad-zu-deinem-SSB-Download]]/SlamScoreBoard/saved_slams/test1.ssb.
  4. The test data are now loaded. You can play around. If you like SSB and want to start from scratch, click on «Clear everything».


SSB is Open Source and released under the MIT license. That means, shortly summarized, that you may use SSB free of charge, but you can not take us to court, if something goes wrong.

The license defines the legal issues. Additionally we have an optional requirement for using SSB: Please write to us, if you organize a Poetry slam event, where you want to use SSB, so that we can put the event to our reference list, and our souls are filled with pride. Furthermore we would be very pleased if we receive an invitation to your event and/or a free beer. Your feedback after the event ist very helpful for the further development of SSB. Best with photo! Best with photo, where the slam winner is in the foreground, and a SSB projection in the background...

Events, which have used SSB so far


Ivo Engeler () and Beat Oberholzer ()

If you want to improve SSB, don't hesitate to send a Pull Request to our Github Master Branch.

Very up-to-date stuff via Twitter

Tweets by @SlamScoreBoard